Sunday, September 26, 2004

Ambrosia Delicious in "Popsicle Peter" and "So Many More Uses for Sausages" starring Nick Dick

I'm in Moncton, which is totally great. Thanks to Zwicker and Stephy G for that one.

So while eating beef jerky and drinking a little Aquafina with my friend Nick while on a park bench on Main Street, drunk as fuck last night, a man approaches us and offers us a job. He wanted to take pictures. His name is Hamilton Steele. He's been in the porn industry for about fifteen years now and has worked with such actors as Peter North.

I'm not shitting you, I have his business card.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Now that I have my head out of my ass....

Sorry about that last post fans, but sometimes I just have to be a little self-absorbed. I do that - it's my thing.

I am well today, I just happened to take a huge temper tantrum yesterday while at the computer lab. It happens.

Still no check from ICT today, hopefully it will be in before Friday. Fingers crossed!!!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Back to School, a great idea in theory, comparable to communism.
Hello Charlottetown Food Bank

Another day checking the mail and another day without my final pay from ICT. Awesome. I haven't been this angry for a long time, some say it's healthy but I am this close (---) to shaving "Fuck the World" into my head and killing a kitten, or a small child.

Never trust a so called "psychic." She told me that going to school would bring me lots of new opportunities. Let's see what I've managed to accomplish so far..... I pawned my tv last week for food, I've been eating one piece of bread and one can of Zoodles every other day because that's all I have for food and absolutely no money for more food. I have run out of tv's to pawn.

Meanwhile, my mother, who absolutely refuses to drop a twenty into my account has been drunk every day, eats really well and has a pretty great self-absorbed life. I really hope that one day she develops a concience.

So don't be surprised if you see me move back home in December, again. I am a sucker for punishment. I'm through with University, it has done me no good at all. I will not be returning in the fall.

I'm going to go eat some thrown out doughnuts from the dumpster behind Tim's on North River Road. Let's hope they didn't spray them with Raid.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Another Saturday night, another dirty fun time at Myron's

Oh how this place never ceases to amaze me. Take the Crotch and multiply it's dirtiness by a thousand and add a few more fat people and you have Myron's.

I love going to this place and just acting like a total asshole. Some people are really good at sports, or write nice songs and stories, I am an asshole. This is where I excell.

So Adam, Taylor, and I went to good 'ole Myron's and hit up the dance floor downstairs, where they have a band every Saturday. And it wasn't Big City. No idea who was playing, but they played the song that they always play at the end of the night at the Rodeo. Boy was I ever happy. I was so homesick, this is just what I needed. So I drunkenly belted out all of the words and almost punched Taylor in the face, out of pure glee. God I love middle aged cover bands!!!!!!!

So Adam and I spent most of our Myron's time dancing like jackasses and it was really fun.

And then finally, an event witnessed by me, funny enough to creat a whole post around. Some guy at the bar chugged a glass of draft and then either spit up a shit load, or puked it all back up, all over a girl that was trying to pick him up. It was so insanely funny.

Only at Myron's.....or any other bar anywhere.

So yeah, I'm still homesick. Homesick and planning on coming home this weekend if ICT mailed out my fucking check. Be prepared to fucking get 'er done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'm not puking at one point this upcoming weekend, I'm not partying half as hard as I should be.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Oh me, oh my!

Am I going to get kicked off the network yet again? Geez, I sure hope not.

Happy Friday everybody, it's now 11:34 am and I am finished class for the day. I have tons of time to get ahead in all of my classes, but that is just so out of character for me.. I think I'll just sit home and smoke and nap. Frig. I need a job badly!!!

I hate not being busy. Too much time to think. If school was the only thing on my mind, that would be fine, but unfortunately I am a little more complex than that.

Holy shit.... I am so bored.. this post is going nowhere fast.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....OH! I found a better web messenger so that's a good thing. Anyone who usually chats with me will probably enjoy the new one as much as I do. No more mixed up messages and what not. Good times.

My cell phone is still not working, fuck you Aliant. I will have to go to the dealer today and get them to look at it. I would really like phone access. That would be nice.

Ok scratch that new messenger thing. It fucking sucks, so I'm back to the old crappy one.

Can't wait for ICT to mail me my cheques. I'd really like a coffee and a granola bar. mmmmm also a bus ticket home would be prime.

Anyway, hope this post finds everyone in good health.

Ciao for now!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

RIP Johnny Ramone

Gabba Gabba Hey! Alas, my favorite Ramone is dead. And I'm being kicked off the network at school. So I have to go.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Creative Writing 101
(Sorry guys, but I don't have a secret blog to post this)

Today I painted my fingernails pink so that you would think I'm pretty. But you won't get to see them, and I don't think that you like pink all that much, and you're many kilometres away and I'm out here stuck on a big red rock.

I'm sooo in love with the idea of being in love, but I don't want you to think I'm pretty - I want you to think I'm more. I've got a lot to offer, you know... although I'm never sure what that is...

I don't know where you are, or what you're doing right now, but I'll keep waiting.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

A Sober Post From PEI

Well, I've been here for almost a week. I'm really enjoying the island, fall is my favorite season. I think it's very romantic. It's the start of everything new for me; new classes, new profs, new friends, new people to look at, new possibilities..etc. I don't know, I just really super enjoy it. I'm really glad I came back, and I know I'm going to do much better this year already. I learned a lot during my eight month hiatus, like not to take education for granted, it is a great priviledge to be here, and since I'm spending thousands of dollars, why not put in the effort? A simple lesson, I know, but it finally came to me!!

There is so much excitement for me right now and I'm having a total blast, but on that note, I am missing home too. I never thought that I would miss Moncton all that much, but I had a lot of fun in the latter half of this summer. That's always the way, eh? Can't wait to get back to school all summer and then right before you leave, have a total blast and then not want to go back.

Anyway, I really didn't intend for this to be the sappiest post ever. Thanks to everyone who made my summer rock socks and to everyone who helped me get my arse over here (Jill and Steph!).

Come visit me fuckers and we'll get 'er done!!!!!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I wanna barf my face off


I just drank a bottle of wine plus lots of juggity jugs. I'm hardcore. I left the Trews early cause i'm too drun k

Waiting to meet with the Dean

You can throw my arse out of school, but you can't cut away my net access.



Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Moncton or Sussex?

My last weekend in NB went out with a bang, considering I almost got thrown in jail for swearing.

"I can't help but swear warden, my middle name is Fuckin'. I'm Amber Fuckin' Geddes!"

So here I am, posting from PEI. Everything seems to be a-ok so far. I still don't know about all that school shit, but I'll figure that out tomorrow. I just got power today at about Oprah time. I also have free basic cable, all the channels up to channel 8. Yeah I'm spoiled.

I taught Adam and his friend Joel how to play Skip-Bo last night in the dark. Two days without power will drive you crazy. Keep that in mind for your next appartment rental.

I'm completely out of money and smoked my last smoke two hours ago.

Until next time..

Friday, September 03, 2004

Emo - A poem written for Derek Lounder
By Amber A. Geddes

Piercings galore, and outstretched ears
Symbolizing my lost teenage years
I am ALONE, but I have two friends
My journal, my bic pen

I'm extremely hurt, this is true
I don't eat animals and protest those that do

Tear stained pages all over my work
Look what you've done to me, you fucking jerk
My heart is black, just like my hair
And still nobody seems to care

As for my heartfelt art, I think it's time to quit
This emo bullshit makes me want to spit

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

You've already gave'r, now get 'er done

Once again I've sat down to post and....nothing

What's the matter with me? I spend all of my time living in this dream world and then once it comes down to putting it on paper, I'm fucked. Well, not really fucked, just not creative, or smart.

This is my last week in NB for a while. I'm going back to PEI to finish that fucking ten year BA program I've been working on. Jesus. I've been totally hesitant about going back, and I've had all these little things happen to make it that much harder to force myself to get back, but dammit - I'm gonna give'r. I wanna thank everyone that's pushing me to do it. I especially want to thank Derek for putting it into terms that I can understand - "Well, fuck, ya just gotta go back and get 'er done"

So what's the best way to spend my last weekend in NB? I'm going compin' and we're going to Gordon Falls to jump off the rocks and shit. Yeah that's right.... just like on FUBAR. Instead of it being Deaner's last weekend, it's Amber's last weekend and it's going to rock my socks right off.

Here's to my right nut....