Sunday, August 22, 2004

Is everybody having a gooooooooooooood tiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeee?

Just imagine me singing that and you'll get it.

I know I promised a post with all my crazy cool tea leaf stuff, but I just really don't feel like posting about it lately. I think there's something wrong with me. I may just have a.d.d or something.

Wow, I came online with this great need to post and I've got nothing.

Until next time.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Got my tea leaves read today. Lots of interesting things. Will post big later!!!

Oh! If you're pregnant, let me know!

Friday, August 13, 2004

Oh,the wonderful world of blogging!

My friend Jen has recently started blogging, which I think is neat. I enjoy posting about my day, infrequent book reviews, thoughts about a certain band, or upcoming shows, stories that I make up for shits and giggles. It's a fun tool with many different uses.

Like most things that are fun though, it can get you into trouble. I speak with lots of experience about the horrors of blogging!!! Having posted on this thing for the past three and a half years I do have a few pieces of advice to offer:

1. Don't openly trash people. Although you may post a rebutle or an apology, it's still not a good idea. People will not pay attention to that.

2. Don't ever get offended by what you read. Hurtful things can be written, this is true, but come on, is it really worth getting upset about?

I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't even post this, because I'm so not going to lie about this, juicy internet fights are entertaining!!!

Whatever. Just please don't take anything to heart.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I'm not gonna lie, I was losing hope

But then this morning, Sam wouldn't stop meowing. It was really fucking annoying so I went to let him outside so I wouldn't have to hear it. And then it sounded like double meowing and I got upset...and then clued in!

Little Ricky dumbpants was sitting under my patio in an old truck tire crying to be let in! And for the first time in 5 days, SILENCE!! Sam stopped crying. He's been at it non-stop since Ricky left. How cute.

Now all I have to do is de-flea my cats and pray that Ricky's not pregnant. Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.

Well, I went out to the crotch last night with Tiffany and we ended up running into one of her friends, Matt LeBlanc (get it...friends... hahahaha). Anyway, we decided that the ever-so-smart thing to do would be for me to leave my car at his house, and for us all to go together. Anyway, we missed our ride and had to walk back to his house to get my car, but my keys were in his car. Anyway it was a really long and scary walk and he wasn't home so we went to sleep in my car while waiting. Anyway, I will leave you with a drunken Tiffany quote:

Upon hearing some pumping jams in a pimped up car stereo driving by, "Oh black music, must be a car of white guys. It's probably safe to get a ride with them, they're probably ugly."

Monday, August 09, 2004

Prove me wrong!

Hey what's up? Not a whole lot here. Ricky's still missing. I still miss her. Work went by really fast today which is awesome. It's almost go back to university time

I'm scared shitless.

Will I got nuts again? Will I have a job, or some cash? I don't know. And this all worries me. Will I get a chance to go to UFit as much as I really want to?

Who knows. I hate not knowing.
I want to know everything.

I deleted an old email folder in my hotmail today. I don't know why it took so long to do it. Glad though, real glad. Big dead weight off of my shoulders :) Hooray for me!! I'm email free!!
Fuck sakes

Come back home Ricky!!!! Jesus, I'm going bonkers here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My little trailer park kitty, gone!

In other news, I did get another kitty. Jen got me one for my birthday. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl cat yet, but I will be referring to "it" as "her" until I find out. I couldn't decide on a name so I gave her two. Tickie Cat, and Deaner.

For those about to rock...

August 14th Chixdiggit with Fear of Lipstick at the Manhattan. (Holy fuck yeah, get 'er done Derek)

August 20th Monoxides with C'mon and the Heelwalkers at the Paramount. (I don't even know what to say... this is hands down going to be the best show all summer. Totally should be at Manhattan though, Paramount will be too small. I'll have to show up at like 7.....)

Fuck Yeah! Check 'er out!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

I'm 22

Yesterday was my birthday and it went alright. I had a pretty good time!! Thanks to all who came to join me.

DRAMA is my FAVORITE! No, actually, it's not, but hey, it happens. That was a lot of commas.

My tummy is sore and one of my kitties ran away. Boo.

I hope little Ricky Alvain Zain (the rest of Zain's name) Geddes comes back soon. She probably just needed to get laid. Can't blame her, gotta get your kicks.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

I am crazy, hear me roar

I remember telling Taylor once last October that I was pretty sure I'd never see 22. I think he was sleeping at the time. Well, tomorrow's my birthday. T minus four hours and I'm the biggest liar ever.

In my never ending search of reading material that will make me feel like less of an idiot all the time just for reading it, I started reading a new magazine, Adbusters. There was a small part of an article that was talking about how anti depressants are way too common and are prescribed to people that don't really need them and blah blah blah. We shouldn't be trying to regulate hormones when we're not sure how it's affecting other hormones. Whatever.

So because of that article, and from talking to some friends that are off meds and seeing that they're ok, I make the ever-so-smart decision to stop taking mine. That was Saturday.

For whatever reason today, I get upset. Actually, it started when some pick up truck pulled out of Sobey's and half of their groceries fell out of the back of the truck because they had no tail gate. I got really sad thinking that they may not have been able to afford to lose that many groceries.

Awesome. I am awesome.

So not only am I sitting here crying over some stranger's groceries, but all of a sudden, it hits me.

OH MY GOD! I didn't get better.

Which flung me into the pits of despair that we are all too familiar with. Pick a fault and I've already thought about it and blamed myself for not making anything better. Why be depressed anyway? What the fuck'd I go and do that for?

So what. I made yet another crazy post. I'd do it more often, but I stop myself from posting a lot of the time.

Why? Because as cool as I pretend to be, I worry about "what people will think." Go ahead, if you're going to judge me, do it. Are you going to feel better for it? Why do I worry so much?

For as shitty as I feel and for as fucked up and unstructured as this post it, I still don't think I'm going to take the meds. And that makes me laugh.

Happy Birthday Amber, are you ready for another year of not getting out of bed?

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Fuck me gently with a wire brush

Have you ever wanted to make a post, but then just couldn't. I do this everyday. C'mon creative flow.....let's go!

I hung out with Derek and Chris and Cindy on Sunday night and we went to the Heelwalkers show. Great show. The singer from the first band was hot! After hanging out downtown for a bit I walked back to my car to find all of my clothes in the front seat instead of in the back seat where they usually are. Strange. Then driving home, I hit a bump and everything in my glove compartment fell out.

Turns out my car was broken into and someone made off with all of my cd's and my wheelchair parking pass. At least the theif was nice enough to lock all of my doors before he left. I must have left the driver's side door open for him to get in.

I'm the smartest gal ever.

It's funny cause I don't really care all that much about it.

I have to stop being so apathetic.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

The best hamburger I ever had was at a bowling alley

My big mouth never ceases to get me in trouble. I should start working on that. My friend Jen and her boyfriend have just broken up. So maybe I should have said ex-boyfriend? Whatever. So I try to console her by saying, "everytime a boyfriend and I break up, I get a new piercing, let's go get our nipples done." And where does this lead?

My left nipple feels like it's on fire.

I was pretty sure I was going to have a lonely night last night when I woke up from a nap at almost ten o'clock and everyone was out, but I fuckin' got 'er done. Went out to Doc's for a few beers which I got myself because the waitress served everyone at my table (Derek and Nick) and didn't bother to ask me if I needed anything. Bitch. We drank there for a bit and then headed to Player's lounge. Player's is on top of Joe Mocha for those that don't know.

I noticed the windows were open and asked Derek and Nick if it looked like there were screens in them. Who leaves windows in a bar open with no screens now? I wanted to test it out so I threw a glass out the window.

Throwing shit out of windows is never a bad time.

I was feeling as though the glass was getting lonely out there, so out went a couple of ashtrays, another glass, and Nick threw the eight ball from the pool table. Good luck playing pool without that one. We were going to throw a chair but we all pussied out.

Fuckin' pansies I tell ya.

Anyway, the next closest thing on the fun scale to throwing stuff out of windows is quoting FUBAR. So that's pretty much what we did until Derek passed out.

Good times any place