Thursday, August 12, 2004

I'm not gonna lie, I was losing hope

But then this morning, Sam wouldn't stop meowing. It was really fucking annoying so I went to let him outside so I wouldn't have to hear it. And then it sounded like double meowing and I got upset...and then clued in!

Little Ricky dumbpants was sitting under my patio in an old truck tire crying to be let in! And for the first time in 5 days, SILENCE!! Sam stopped crying. He's been at it non-stop since Ricky left. How cute.

Now all I have to do is de-flea my cats and pray that Ricky's not pregnant. Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.

Well, I went out to the crotch last night with Tiffany and we ended up running into one of her friends, Matt LeBlanc (get it...friends... hahahaha). Anyway, we decided that the ever-so-smart thing to do would be for me to leave my car at his house, and for us all to go together. Anyway, we missed our ride and had to walk back to his house to get my car, but my keys were in his car. Anyway it was a really long and scary walk and he wasn't home so we went to sleep in my car while waiting. Anyway, I will leave you with a drunken Tiffany quote:

Upon hearing some pumping jams in a pimped up car stereo driving by, "Oh black music, must be a car of white guys. It's probably safe to get a ride with them, they're probably ugly."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! Ricky's home safely!!

7:44 PM  

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