Tuesday, August 26, 2003


So I watched Paradise Hotel last night and funny how the only thing that I remember throughout the whole show was a clip they showed of Amy with a huge fucking zit. It was on for less than a minute, but ruined the whole show. I hate you Amy.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Metal heavy soft at the core

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. Somehow I keep getting mail delivery errors on porn attachments. Someone's using my email account to sent porn out to people. Whoever you are, can you please at least give me 5% for using my email? I deserve that much. A lot of strange people have been replying to these emails too. I should have kept them instead of deleting them. I could have made a few new virtual friends. Ah well.

So life at home, how does it actually go?

new job = great
tan = wicked
living at home = shitty deal

I really don't like living here. Boo. I like working which is great, but what am I going to do tomorrow on my day off? Fucking Sundays. I hate the weekends. Always have. I need a new book as I finished mine last night. Can't wait to get my bed back and get settled. I want a butter coloured room. It would be great. Maybe then I will be happy, or think of something else that would make me happier. Will there ever be an end to this shitty feeling I wake up with every morning?

Where's Shane?

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

First Rule is: The Laws of Germany

First day of work was great. Such an easy job. I love it. My job consists of wiping down tanning beds, and selling tanning lotion. Sometimes I have to wash and fold towels. That's it. Piece of cake, and all the tanning I can handle and all the coke I can drink.

Now, driving around Moncton, I saw something that kind of made me angry. It was Rue 11 Septembre. Boy would I love to live there.....

This pissed me right the fuck off. Yes the bombing was a tragedy, but where's Breast Cancer street, or Drunk Driver Kills Little Child on a Bike Street? This is absolutely stupid.

I think I'm changing the name of my street from Kerry Court to August 6th, 1945 Court. I'm dedicated it to those poor helpless Americans.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

I'm Okay

I'm done my temper tantrum now. Temper and internet don't mix well. Ah well. New job starts tomorrow :)
Oh yeah

Lovely. I am having the time of my life. Living at home just reminds me how much I fucking hate my family. All I want to do is throw out all the fucking junk in my room and I can't. I'm not allowed to clean it. What the hell? It's all useless shit and empty shoe boxes.

I was asked to start paying rent ($200/mth), start paying for gas (fair enough), doing all the house work. I agreed to pay as much rent as my brother does, and to do as much houseword as he does, which is a grand total of nothing. I got yelled at for that and told my parents to go fuck themselves because I didn't move home to take care of them. I've got my own things to do and if I had it my way, I wouldn't be here at all. Now I know why I moved out, the only difference is that my mother isn't drunk anymore. She's still a bitch. Glad to see that nothing ever changes.

Monday, August 18, 2003

So long farewell, auf weidersehen goodnight

A bit belated, but here's my farewell PEI post.

Thanks for everything. Good times

I'm out

Thursday, August 14, 2003

I am so wired.
I can't think straight
Nothing makes sense and everything's a blur
I jammed my finger in my desk at work
My day dreams rock ass
Every minute is passing by so slowly and you have no idea
I miss having a boyfriend

This is what you do to me

Fucking Terror

Thanks to the Eastern Power Outage, the queue at work has just jumped from 0 to 72 with everybody on calls. Fuck.

I guess that's what we get for living in the maritimes. Sprint, you should have stayed in Ontario.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Obsession by Calvin Klein

Ok. I really liked Joe Millionaire when it was on. But now, I really really love Paradise Hotel. It is by far the best show on tv. I have nothing bad to say about it except that I really fucking hate Amy. She's such a bitch.

I want either Beau or Keith to win. They are my favorites.

I want to check in. I am so spending the next year getting buff so that I can be on the show. It would rock ass.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Not Wanted On The Voyage

My mom called today to inform me that I've been too mean to the people from home. I informed her that I didn't really care. Apparently, nobody wants me to move home except for my parents, and they're not even that keen on the idea. That's right, people have been calling my parents, trying to see if I can not move home. Mostly my nosey neighbor who's daughter that I told that I hoped got fucking raped after she told me that I deserved to get roofies in my drink at the Rock n' Rodeo that time in June. I was also rude to my brother's friend Jamie and he told my mommy on me. He also made up some lies so that now, my brother thinks that I've been talking about him behind his back, so he told on me too.

This is crazy. People have been wondering for three years now why I've moved to PEI. Read the above nonsense and that's why. Really. This next year had better go by the fastest so I can get my ass back in school.

I had ass sweat today.

Fuck ya's all.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Happy New Brunswick Day

I'm right fucking pissed today. I'm so close to blattin it's not funny. I am so getting half-full tonight, or right fucked out of 'er. So if you see me passed out in your door yard, move me to a couch and get me some melk.

Yeah so my big plan was to move back home to save money. I'm still moving home, but my dad is out of work and so I get to make car and mortgage payments. Fun stuff. Thank you God for dropping my parents' debt load onto my shoulders, cause we all know that I am so good at handling things like this.

Now, I'm going to rant:

I hate my mother. She is a good for nothing alcoholic bitch who did nothing but screw everything up for me. I've been pretty much taking care of myself since I was twelve. My father works his fucking ass of just so she can waste his hard-earned money on fucking cigarettes and other useless shit. She has never had a job until now so he got to support her alcoholism as well. Meanwhile she drank and drank and called me names and kicked the shit out of me and than ran guilt trips to try and make me hate my father. Now I'm moving back home and I have to take care of my family because they have nothing saved up because she drank every last cent that my father has ever made. So not only do I get all the bad effects from having an alcoholic parent, but now I get to fucking work for the rest of my life to pay back her fucking self-caused debt.

And people wonder why I don't believe in God and why I'm so bitter.

Happy New Brunswickday, go fuck yourself.

Saturday, August 02, 2003


I am at work :(
To help pass the time, I'm plucking my eyebrows. They're really nice so far. I just have a little bit left to do. I'm in French all day today and it's just at the level of business that I like - DEAD

he can talk
he can talk
he can talk

I don't know what caused that, but it was nice wasn't it?
My hands are really cold. Could someone please deliver some gloves to On-Line Support? The AC is turned up way too high.

I'm wearing shorts and didn't shave my legs. It's great. Not having a boyfriend rules...sort of

Oh!! a call! Gotta go

Friday, August 01, 2003

The Envy of All

There's only five more days till my birthday, six till Malgosia's, seven till Kristin's. There are a lot more August birthdays coming up after that, but I don't want to get too ahead of myself.

This year, my mom and dad are renewing my driver's liscence for a gift. Yay. I'd rather them just get me what I asked for. I asked them to clean my room at home in NB and get everything ready for when I move in. I kinda want to paint my room a creamy yellow colour. I love yellow.

So it's August first. I am moving home in about 28 days. That's the same length of time as a menstrual cycle. I want to get a job at either NB tel or at a tanning salon that's looking for someone. Brainless tanning work would so kick ass. And I could tan on my breaks.

Yeah so, last night was a bunch of fun. After work, I headed to my usual Thursday night spot, Melon's. I had some good times and met up with Alain, Steph, Mimi, Emily or Erin (I'm not sure), Todd and his girlfriend, and Billy. Played my favorite game, the question game and learned a lot. The question game is definately the best way to get to know someone. Call me up if you ever want to play!! I love that crazy question game so much, I didn't get to sleep until after 5:30. Luckily I didn't have to work at 8. Sorry Billy!!

Oh man I am tired, but here I sit at work, cringing everytime I hear a phone ring. I want to go sleepy bye. zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...