Monday, August 04, 2003

Happy New Brunswick Day

I'm right fucking pissed today. I'm so close to blattin it's not funny. I am so getting half-full tonight, or right fucked out of 'er. So if you see me passed out in your door yard, move me to a couch and get me some melk.

Yeah so my big plan was to move back home to save money. I'm still moving home, but my dad is out of work and so I get to make car and mortgage payments. Fun stuff. Thank you God for dropping my parents' debt load onto my shoulders, cause we all know that I am so good at handling things like this.

Now, I'm going to rant:

I hate my mother. She is a good for nothing alcoholic bitch who did nothing but screw everything up for me. I've been pretty much taking care of myself since I was twelve. My father works his fucking ass of just so she can waste his hard-earned money on fucking cigarettes and other useless shit. She has never had a job until now so he got to support her alcoholism as well. Meanwhile she drank and drank and called me names and kicked the shit out of me and than ran guilt trips to try and make me hate my father. Now I'm moving back home and I have to take care of my family because they have nothing saved up because she drank every last cent that my father has ever made. So not only do I get all the bad effects from having an alcoholic parent, but now I get to fucking work for the rest of my life to pay back her fucking self-caused debt.

And people wonder why I don't believe in God and why I'm so bitter.

Happy New Brunswickday, go fuck yourself.


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