Monday, November 22, 2004

If you need answers, call Derek Lounder

Amber: Derek, why does God hate me?
Derek: He doesn't hate you at all, you're just his fuck toy.

I'm God's fuck toy.

I haven't been up to a whole lot lately besides work, work, work, oh and, more work. I'm happy that I've been working so much, but a little tired at the same time. For those that don't know, I'm a hostess with the mostess at Boston Pizza. A position best described as a glorified bus girl. I make minimum wage, but it's too much fun to complain about that. The bills are getting paid, slowly and surely, but mostly slowly.

I tried to kick my meds, but I'm having the worst body withdrawals ever, so I'm going to go pick up my prescription as soon as I'm finished posting. Not a good thing to do at such a hectic time in my life. As soon as everyone's paid to date, maybe I'll give it another whorl. Who knows?

But for now, I'm off to take my mom to do errands and then after that... back to Boston's.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I missed the Black Halos and Zeke

I am omega-super pissed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I had the teeth dream again.

I hate this dream. It's where my teeth get really loose and then fall out all bloody-like. It's really gross cause in the dream I can taste the blood. In this one I lost a back molar and could feel the new tooth hole and then got dry socket or whatever it's called. And then a few more decided to leave my mouth.

What does it all mean????!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2004

I need to grow up because I don't like EMO, I lack crucial grammatical skills, I don't know anything about Charlottetown (i.e. how apparently easy it is to find a job. Can you back me up on this one Jussy and Tay?), I can't make proper relationship decisions, if any, and Nick Bell is an asshole.

Hi, my name is Anger and you've just made my shit list.

How's that for a title for a post. Oh fuck Buddy, you're lucky I'm all fucking talk. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ. I am pisssssssssssssed.

Yeah, I'll take the blame, I started it by accident, but... I also tried to end it. I'm not an asshole, au contraire to popular belief. Here's how it all started:

Amber and Nick: random anti-emo crack just between the two of us
New Friend: What's wrong with emo?
Amber: It sucks.
New Friend: Well, I'm an emo singer. That's what I do.
Amber (feeling bad): Oh, well I'm sorry, I didn't know that. It's just not my bag. (yeah I actually said that)
New Friend: Well do you just not like it because you think it sucks, or can you actually be grown up about it and recognize the talent behind the music and then judge it because you don't like the style.
Amber (annoyed): Oh no, I can recognize the talent on the rare occasions that it's there.
New Friend: Fair enough. Why, what kind of music do you listen to?
Amber (winning line of evening): Oh me? I listen to real punk rock music

And then it was just all down hill from there. My new friend got more annoying and I got more angry. 'Magine, me angry, who would have thought? So it just turned out to become a pick on Amber and Nick night. And this was new friend's idea of behaving. He told Barf that he was being "good."

Anyway, enough of my bitching. I'm boring myself. Ryan, I will leave you with this link. I will also be heading to the library this afternoon to print it off for you. You will be receiving it in the mail in about a week.

Friday, November 12, 2004

"Why not come dancing, it's only natural?"

Woohoo. Good show last night. Varsity Weirdos and the Million Dollar Marxists. It was pretty fun, a little strange at times, and I feared for my life as well as the lives of everyone else. It was really funny bringing T-Bone. I don't think she'll ever trust me to bring her to a show again!!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

"What's the matter Moncton? Did you leave your sense of humor in PEI?"

Oh man!! SNFU rocked my socks! If you ever get a chance to go out and see them, you had better do it!

I'll just leave you with "Don't have the Cow"

You should have listened to your mother
And ate your veggies when you were younger
You should have listened to your parents
And doubled up on your peas and carrots

Even though I eat meat
I appreciate the irony
Now that the cows are going mad

The vegetarians are laughing at us now
Well this just make you want to hate them even more
But if you indulge in that
You're no smarter than the slab of beef you eat

The one that's now driving you mad
I hate to be an I told you so but I fucking told you so
Meat is murder and it's killing you
Now what the hell are you going to do?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Things you may not have know about Ambi Bambi

I thought I'd post some Amber facts just for fun. Now you'll get to know your blog lady a little better.

  • I am terrified of cows. Actually, I'm terrified of most animals, but cows especially.
  • I can't spell very well although I'm an English student.
  • I have four favorite colours and one of them is brown. The other three are blue, yellow, and orange.
  • I have a lot of nicknames, and I made up most of them. Some of those nicknames are, Ambergeddon, Dadoo, and Anger.
  • I'm left-handed.
  • I hate Halifax, always have ever since I was little.
  • I have a fear of knives. If I can get away with just using a butter knife for anything, I will.
  • My favorite number is 13 because that's what number I was wearing when I got my first homerun in softball.
  • I have a bad right knee.
  • I hate running.
  • I love cleaning.
  • I wear my cowboy hat whenever I clean my house.
  • I have a hard time remembering lyrics to songs. It really doesn't matter how many times I'll listen to a song, I'll never quite get it.
  • I like making lists. I write down lists for everything, constantly.
  • I eat balony and ham sandwhiches with ketchup on them instead of mustard.

That's about all the facts I feel you need to know for right now. I'll see if I can come up with some better ones for next time I feel like posting about myself.

  • Posting about myself is one of my favorite things to do.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I think I may just be a genius

I fixed my sidebar today all by myself. Yeah that's right. Ya like that?

So here I am, home on the mainland, enjoying my canned pop and such. There are lots of jobs over here, mostly call centre work, so it's right up my alley.

I didn't do a whole lot on Hallowe'en. After I said good bye to Taylor and Janelle, I went inside and didn't quite receive the welcome I was expecting from my mom. I dropped her off at Gram's and then went over to Derek and Chris's. I was really upset, but we ate lots of candy and then Derek put on Rap Trax 2 and we danced around the kitchen like jack-asses. It turned out to be a pretty fucking wicked night. Oh the power of old school hip hop.

Anyway, I should get going and keep looking for a job. I can go back to ICT, but they don't have any contract openings until December. Boo to that. What can ya do?