Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Things you may not have know about Ambi Bambi

I thought I'd post some Amber facts just for fun. Now you'll get to know your blog lady a little better.

  • I am terrified of cows. Actually, I'm terrified of most animals, but cows especially.
  • I can't spell very well although I'm an English student.
  • I have four favorite colours and one of them is brown. The other three are blue, yellow, and orange.
  • I have a lot of nicknames, and I made up most of them. Some of those nicknames are, Ambergeddon, Dadoo, and Anger.
  • I'm left-handed.
  • I hate Halifax, always have ever since I was little.
  • I have a fear of knives. If I can get away with just using a butter knife for anything, I will.
  • My favorite number is 13 because that's what number I was wearing when I got my first homerun in softball.
  • I have a bad right knee.
  • I hate running.
  • I love cleaning.
  • I wear my cowboy hat whenever I clean my house.
  • I have a hard time remembering lyrics to songs. It really doesn't matter how many times I'll listen to a song, I'll never quite get it.
  • I like making lists. I write down lists for everything, constantly.
  • I eat balony and ham sandwhiches with ketchup on them instead of mustard.

That's about all the facts I feel you need to know for right now. I'll see if I can come up with some better ones for next time I feel like posting about myself.

  • Posting about myself is one of my favorite things to do.


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