Fuck you, great people of Riverview
I am totally disgusted that there is a need for this post, but unfortunately, some people were born with absolutely no compassion. I'm pretty sure even, that most people feel this way about me, but here we go......
I have received some bad news about the passing of a friend. I was not overly close with this particular person, but I was very close with his family having dated his younger brother for three years. News like this is always upsetting, especially when the person is so young (22).
I'm still in shock. I saw Chris downtown yesterday and waved. I can't imagine what his poor family is going through. We used to bicker every time I was over at his house (pretty much every day), but no matter how pissed I was, he could make me and anyone else laugh like nobody I have ever met before.
For those that don't know, Riverview is a really small town and news travels faster than it does on the Island. It really does, hence the term Rumourview as this town is referred to. Everybody know everyone's business, that's just the way things are. Everybody knows that Jamie and I dated for three years, actually somebody asked me the other week if we were still together. That was weird, but anyway...
Tonight with good reason my MSN user name reads as follows: If you haven't talked to me since high school and only want to gossip about other's losses, go fuck yourself long and hard.
I had the whole day to deal with everything and it went alright. I was at Jill's and stupidly decided to check my email. Who doesn't sign on to MSN when they do this? Out of nowhere a message box appears from a girl whom I haven't said three words to since graduation, four years ago, and might have said five to during high school.
Her name, Keely Hollis and I really hope to fuck that you are reading this right now and that you forward it onto everybody that you know. Let them know just how much of a "bitch" you think I am and just how pissed I'm telling you that I am.
Remember Keely when we hung out a lot in grade 10, but then you ditched me because I started dating Jamie who was younger than we were and ditched me because of who his brother was? Actually, you didn't ditch me right away, you had to spend some time reciting to me how much "cooler" you were than I.
Today I was feeling pretty shitty. Nothing like getting a pop up that reads "hey, do you remember who Chris Leger was?"
Do I remember him? Come on. "Yeah I remember him, I only dated his brother for three years and spent every day at their home."
"Yeah he OD'd at a club last night"
Amber says something along the lines of "I'm not really in the mood to gossip about dead people right now, so unfortunately I'm going to have to stop talking to you"
And then she started typing excuses all to which I replied with lots of rudeness and swearing.
I know for a fact that right now, tons of people are finding out about how big of a bitch I am for reacting that way, but come on!!
I am so upset right now. I don't know whether to cry or scream. It is so sad that people will use someone else's death as just another gossip tool. I know damn well that was the only reason for you messaging me Keely, to get the scoop. I hope you realize how sad you really are. I also hope that you never have to suffer any loss of any sort in your whole entire lifetime.
It's funny cause up until that MSN conversation, I was thinking of staying in Riverview past September. Fuck that, you're all mostly a bunch of rotting, stinking assholes.
Eloquently yours,
Amber (Anger) A. Geddes