Sunday, June 13, 2004

Feeling a little too artsy, like Harry Potter..

I'm having a very A&E feeling right now. I need to create something right now... ugh, I really want to make something out of paper maché. I want to play in some flower and water, or mud and water.. something gooey

Went to Triangles for the first time ever last night (it's a gay bar). I have never seen so many people dance so horribly in all of my life. I thought gay people were supposed to be good at dancing.. oh well. I've also never seen so many men with tucked-in t-shirts. Tucked-in shirts and tapered pants. Sweet. Lots of leather too. Really short leather shorts, and leather vests with no shirts underneath. Men more feminine than myself and women that looked like really ugly fat men. Stick to your tv gays, they're way more glamorous.

We also got stocked by a VW golf full of gay guys. If you need to know more, just call me. Its too scary to be typed!!


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