Sunday, June 27, 2004

Weekend Update

Well, I was sick all weekend with terrible tummy aches and all that is great that goes with it. I did manage to do a few things...

-Slept all day
-Woke up at 6pm
-Saw the movie The Notebook
-I seriously have never cried so hard at the theatre
-Came back home and went back to bed.

-Got up at about noon
-Belly still aching
-Visited Jill at work
-Did some errands with my mom
-Went to bed
-Got up at about 6pm again
-Called Beth
-Saw Farenheight 9/11
-Went to Chapters
-Bought a book
-Rented Animal Crossing for the Cube
-Tried to play Animal Crossing
-All of my animal crossing neighbors went to bed at around 12:30 thus ending my Cube fun

-Got up at 5am
-Watched some tv
-Wished my dad good luck because he was going shooting in Gagetown
-Went back to bed at around 7am
-Got up at noon
-Tried to play some more Animal Crossing, didn't really get into it. All of my Animal nieghbors were at a fishing tournament
-Took mom on more errands
-Came home and showered
-Went with Adam and Erica to Wal-Martin
-We went on a great slushie search
-Arrived at Krissy's BBQ, saw some friends, good times were had
-Watched Adam eat a huge amount of random food off of the ground
-Grabbed an IceCap and Erica and I watched Adam go canvasing for NDP from the comfort of his car
-Came home
-Went to bed
-Got up at roughly 1030
-Tried to play more Animal Crossing, but my animal neighbors are in bed
Decided to post.

I'm not sure how I'm liking Animal Crossing. I'll have to get up early and play it until noon tomorrow because it plays on real time and whenever I'm free to play, my Animal neighbors are usually sleeping. Dammit. Not even my fake neighbors will play with me!


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