Thursday, July 31, 2003

Happy Birthday Brent!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

My Dolphin Theo

So many birthdays today. Happy Birthday Everyone.

I can hardly wait for tomorrow. I love Thursdays!

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I'm Brian Fellow

It's 12:35am and where are you? I'm at home waiting for my man. Jimmy Kimmel. He wasn't on last night.
Now I'm watching Paradise Hotel and all is right with the world.

Happy 23rd Jill
Happy 21st Taylor
Happy 21st Zain

Monday, July 28, 2003

If there was anything that I've ever wanted in life, it's popularity. I really hope that when I get back home I can find some of the cool people that I graduated with and maybe they will know me now and then I can be popular. I love the popular kids that I graduated with, if only they had loved me at the time. Maybe they will now.

Social Status is EVERYTHING and I want the biggest slice of the Riverview High School Grads of 2000 pie.

Oh wait, everyone moved away from home, so there will be nobody there to make me cool. Damn

Sunday, July 27, 2003

White Women Can't Jump

Last night I fell down and hurt my ankle. I think I twisted it. I tried to jump really high, but it didn't work. That was on the way back to the boys house. Then I got sick outside and tried four times to get into the house, but because of my gimp ankle, fell down four more times. So I passed out in Tyler's car and threw up some more until I was sober enough to walk into the house. Saturday upped my pairs of shoes that I've thrown up on to two.

Today was not a good day to have a kitten. All the poor guy wanted to do was play and all I wanted to do was sleep. Boo. Ah well, he's cute.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Friday Night

Good times. I'm at home with Sam and my new cat Ricky, drinking beer and watching Mike Bullard. I thought that I would throw in a twist for Jimmy Kimmel tonight and watch it drunk. Too bad I'm all alone.

Where are you? Why don't you come over? I like your company :)

So I'm not drunk yet, but I am stoned as hell. Zang.

One half hour till Jimmy. I had to turn it to Leno. He's turning horrible news headlines into happy headlines. Try this one asshole, "Girl drinks by herself while waiting to watch a better talk show"

I'm watching a funny bit on Leno where Ryan Seacrest went to the Xgames and tried some extreme sports. He tries motocross with Mike Metzger and it's really funny.

Well, I'm out.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Amber's Book Club

I've read a few books this summer and I thought that I would share with you incase you're feeling literate.

Fool's Errand Robin Hobb - Found out that this was written by a girl and almost didn't want to read it. It's book one of a trilogy (The Tawny Man Series) that follows my favorite Fantasy trilogy ever. You'll have to read the Farseer Trilogy to understand this book. Sorry.

Life of Pi Yann Martel - Kind of adventure-esque, kind of boring as hell. There's one character in the book that claims that the story of Pi Patel will "make you believe in God." Didn't work. Although it moved really slowly, it was a good read.

The Four Agreements - A Toltec Wisdom Book Don Miguel Ruiz - This is a self-help/personal growth book. I enjoyed it, and I'm glad that I read it. I learned all about the four agreements; be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best. If everyone in the world were to read this book, a lot more people would be happy.

Fight Club Chuck Palahnuik - First rule of fight club, don't talk about fight club.

The Rum Diary Hunter S. Thompson - Depressing fiction, not as bad as Fight Club, but it made me want to get out of San Juan and better myself at then end.

If you're looking for a quick read, check out Fight Club or The Rum Diary. The Four Agreements is short, but requires a lot of thought. More reviews on the way, my goal is to finish at least one book each week.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Don't Cuddle the Desperate

Had a taste of what I miss most, hugs and cuddling. This sucks. I want more. Need to find it.
I'm leaving in 5 weeks. If you want to cuddle or hug, now's your chance.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

This place is starting to wear on me. The French queue has been busier than the English queue all day and that charming Alastair, the only other scheduled French customer service rep has decided to call in sick for the hell of it. I am the only Sprint Canada French customer care representative working in the whole country right now. Uberfuck me.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I've been a very bad girl

I had fun at work tonight. Went out for a puff on my break. Enough said. I'm so tired.
Good shift.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Fuck you Brown's Court

There's construction going on right outside my window. Once there was a field filled with dead grass and I was happy. Since I've been put on perma 330-12 shifts, construction has started every morning at 7. It's summer and way too hot to close the windows at night, which means every morning I awake to the sounds of hammers, saws, swearing, and today Magic 93 pumped up full blast so that the workers can hear it over the hammers and saws. It's kind of annoying, but it reminds me of the city so it's not that bad. Plus, there's two hot guys that work with no shirts on. I call the guy in the blue helmet.
If God had not lost his fingers in the war, he would be playing super monkey ball right now.


Friday, July 11, 2003

Quotes from Alain

"Fucking seize minutes mother fuckers"

Alain - "Holy fuck man, this one time a buddy of mine and me, we were snorting fucking crushed up paxil, it was the day before September 11th"
Amber - "What happened?"
Alain - "The fucking twin towers blew up man"
Plan Change

I just got an email from my good friend Bob. Part of it reads: "I think it's a great idea for you to go into that deaf guy helper course."

As some of you know, I am planning on teaching the deaf. Well, I have decided to finish my English degree after I am finished taking this year off. After that I hope to be attending the University of Western Ontario and taking a three year BHSc (Bachelor of Human Sciences). Then it's on to graduate school at U of Alberta where I will be doing my Masters in Speach Language Pathology and Audiology. Then I will go to Main, where I can get my BEd in one year. Then I'm going to be in debt for the rest of my life trying to pay off all of these universities. All for what? To be a deaf guy helper in Texas.

Go big, or go home they say. Also, Patience is not only a virtue, but the key to success. With all of these degrees, I'll be one of those teachers that make a whopping $42, 000 per year. Woohoo. I can make that much being a welder. If only I could weld.

If you are rich and would like to marry a deaf guy helper, give me a shout. I will have lots of heirs for you.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

I dream in colour, I dream in red

I really don't like my job. Although it does have it's good points. Why send someone home to punish them? I'm sitting on my ass, eating cookies, blogging, and listening to music. Good one.

I think that I'm going to go play tennis later. I'm in love.

My hair has once again changed. It's black with pink highlights. Just call me Miss Osbourne, except not fat and whiney, oh wait a minute, I am whining right now. Dammit.

Monday, July 07, 2003

I hate everything

Absolutely everything.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Good Times

Tonight was wicked. Spent the night drinking Malibu Rum smoothies while watching Blue Crush. With a different movie comes a different liquor and Briget Jones' Diary brought on a 1.5L bottle of Champagne. Not just any Champagne, a cheap bottle that was purchased for a grand total of $13.95. So, I'm off to bed a little buzzed. Should be a good sleep.

Friday, July 04, 2003


Thursday, July 03, 2003

Disappointment's Best Friend

Yeah so I didn't get into Mount Allison University. Oh well.
I'm going to take a year off and apply for the human needs course at NBCC. When I'm finished that, I'm going to reapply at Mt.A and get my BA with a major in English and a French and Psych double-minor. After that, I'll be off to get my BEd. Then I will get my training in ASL and then eventually teach at a school for the deaf. After that, it's time to settle down and have children. After that, I'm going to stay home and raise my family because I feel that it is my duty as a woman to stay at home. If I keep writing about it, it will eventually happen. This is my way of keeping myself focussed. It's going to take time, and I have lots of time to spend.

Twenty steps back, one step forward? Please?