Friday, July 11, 2003

Plan Change

I just got an email from my good friend Bob. Part of it reads: "I think it's a great idea for you to go into that deaf guy helper course."

As some of you know, I am planning on teaching the deaf. Well, I have decided to finish my English degree after I am finished taking this year off. After that I hope to be attending the University of Western Ontario and taking a three year BHSc (Bachelor of Human Sciences). Then it's on to graduate school at U of Alberta where I will be doing my Masters in Speach Language Pathology and Audiology. Then I will go to Main, where I can get my BEd in one year. Then I'm going to be in debt for the rest of my life trying to pay off all of these universities. All for what? To be a deaf guy helper in Texas.

Go big, or go home they say. Also, Patience is not only a virtue, but the key to success. With all of these degrees, I'll be one of those teachers that make a whopping $42, 000 per year. Woohoo. I can make that much being a welder. If only I could weld.

If you are rich and would like to marry a deaf guy helper, give me a shout. I will have lots of heirs for you.


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