Thursday, July 03, 2003

Disappointment's Best Friend

Yeah so I didn't get into Mount Allison University. Oh well.
I'm going to take a year off and apply for the human needs course at NBCC. When I'm finished that, I'm going to reapply at Mt.A and get my BA with a major in English and a French and Psych double-minor. After that, I'll be off to get my BEd. Then I will get my training in ASL and then eventually teach at a school for the deaf. After that, it's time to settle down and have children. After that, I'm going to stay home and raise my family because I feel that it is my duty as a woman to stay at home. If I keep writing about it, it will eventually happen. This is my way of keeping myself focussed. It's going to take time, and I have lots of time to spend.

Twenty steps back, one step forward? Please?


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