"The biggest defeat in every department of life is to forget, especially the things that have done you in, and to die without realizing how far people can go in the way of crumminess. When the grave lies open before us, let's not try to be witty, but on the other hand, let's not forget, but make it our business to record the worst of the human viciousness we've seen without changing one word. When that's done, we can curl up our toes and sink into the pit. That's work enough for a lifetime."
It's been a pretty slow day off today. I didn't make it out for coffee, ah well. I'm in a total emo mood right now.. blah. Oh well, at least a cool assed picture came out of it.
Anyone who's anyone uses the black blogger template...
My house smells like cat pee. This is not a good thing. My cat Sam is very sick... I have to take him to the vet very soon. My other cat Ricky is in heat. This week is off to a bad start cat-wise.
When I changed my template last week, I forgot to copy all of my links. The only ones that I knew off by heart were Taylor's and Jason's so if you're reading this and you feel left out, please comment and leave me your link so I can re-add it.
I'm such a tard when it comes to computer stuff and cat stuff.
Ran into somebody that I didn't expect to tonight. I'm really happy that I did, kinda made my weekend. I'm pretty sure he was happy to see me too. The unplanned and unexpected is always a nice treat.
In other news, Sam and I went on a random adventure tonight. We managed to hit up Jason's Johnny Cash cover show, Indie pop night for a few seconds, The O2 (walking from the Johnny Cash show to Indie pop), Burger King, and then Cosmo. Good times.
I'm getting a record player. It's time for a hobby and thanks to Derek, we've decided on me collecting vinyl. Hope it goes well and that I don't waste my money on stupid shit or become some sort of a record fan-girl.
To pass the time by at work we've been playing some pretty dumb games. Some examples include "Name your top 5 everything" or "I'll say a movie quote, you guess the movie".. you get the idea, just stupid shit to pass the time between calls. Well, today my co-worker came up with a new one. He asked "What would you do if the world was coming to an end in four hours from now."
My answer was pretty simple. I'd sit on my bed, eat an insane amount of Wendy's, drink about 50 cokes, and smoke a half pack of cigarettes. I wouldn't call anyone or even talk to anyone. I'd just spend the last four hours of life as we know it, alone, eating a lot, and being ponderous.
A lot of people answering the question said that they would get ahold of all of their friends and family and say their last goodbyes. Well, not this gal. I really can't picture any other way to spend my last few hours.
This is what I would want most out of every imagineable possibility of things to do.
My friend Jason is a bearcat, but I'm okay with that.
Jesus Christ, attempt number two at posting this evening and again...nothing. It's kinda hard though when you have other people in the room. I just can't post when people are watching me (I'm post shy, it's like pee-shy only more embarassing). Well, I might as well get comfortable and just pretend I'm home alone and let 'er rip I guess....
I can't do this... I just can't post with other people in the room...I'll have to set my alarm for like 4:30 or something just to ensure that I can be all alone for posting. Why not, at least then I can download midget porn without anyone looking.
So what's up blog world? I came online once again with the intention to post, but alas, cannot think of anything to write. I've been doing a lot of Karaoke lately, I'm pretty much addicted. I go with my roomates and friends about three times a week. That is so fucking sick, but I love it.
Top 5 Karaoke songs I've done in the past week: 1. Too Drunk to Fuck - dead kennedys, performed by me and my roomie Samyie 2. Fairytale of NY - pogues, performed by me and Derek 3. Chantilly Lace - Big Bopper, performed by me 4. Love Shack - B52's, performed by me and Stephy G 5. Pet Cemetary - Ramones, performed by me and Samyie
Bradley Nowell You are Bradley Nowell! You're funny and inventive, very talented. You write lyrics, poems or other random literature very well. Nobody knew you but that's the way you liked it. Whoever did try and learn was good enough. Oh, he died in 1996 from a heroin over-dose. Very sad.