Sunday, November 13, 2005

My friend Jason is a bearcat, but I'm okay with that.

Jesus Christ, attempt number two at posting this evening and again...nothing. It's kinda hard though when you have other people in the room. I just can't post when people are watching me (I'm post shy, it's like pee-shy only more embarassing). Well, I might as well get comfortable and just pretend I'm home alone and let 'er rip I guess....

I can't do this... I just can't post with other people in the room...I'll have to set my alarm for like 4:30 or something just to ensure that I can be all alone for posting. Why not, at least then I can download midget porn without anyone looking.

Damn.....until early morning, cyber pals


Blogger Jason Haywood said...

post...they won't watch ya.

*cheesy rap beat* Jason is a bearcat...Amber is OK with that...

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just clap for the wolfman...that's what I do.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bearcat / Shit-Weasel, same difference round these parts.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I haven't heard that term in a while. Shit-weasel.

12:55 PM  

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