Monday, November 14, 2005

What would Freddy Mercury do?

To pass the time by at work we've been playing some pretty dumb games. Some examples include "Name your top 5 everything" or "I'll say a movie quote, you guess the movie".. you get the idea, just stupid shit to pass the time between calls. Well, today my co-worker came up with a new one. He asked "What would you do if the world was coming to an end in four hours from now."

My answer was pretty simple. I'd sit on my bed, eat an insane amount of Wendy's, drink about 50 cokes, and smoke a half pack of cigarettes. I wouldn't call anyone or even talk to anyone. I'd just spend the last four hours of life as we know it, alone, eating a lot, and being ponderous.

A lot of people answering the question said that they would get ahold of all of their friends and family and say their last goodbyes. Well, not this gal. I really can't picture any other way to spend my last few hours.

This is what I would want most out of every imagineable possibility of things to do.


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