Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wow, I haven't been on here in a while and I'm not feeling overly bitter, so this post my go well.

I think I'm going to dedicate this post to Al, because he's been nagging me to write more. I totally would have, but I do lead an ultra-boring life. It's pretty sad when the number one worry of my day was to remember to take chicken breasts out of the freezer so I can cook them later. Thank God, my life is this boring though...It's a nice break.

It's funny, although I don't post, I do re-read old posts and I love how in every new post (time to stop using that word in this sentence) I seem to contradict what I've written before. It's really funny. Either a sign of growth, or mental retardation, or both. I'm not sure.

Generally speaking, I've been feeling quite happy lately. I still fuck up sometimes, but I don't really get so upset anymore. I'm learning that life goes on. It's a nice feeling. And I have my wonderful friends to thank for trying so very hard to teach me this. I'm a slow learner, but I'm coming around.

Anyway, I wanted to write something else/something more, but I have a wicked headache and I'm going to lie down.

Thank you friends!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love you amber

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I'm finally reconized as a influence on her life... shit ... it's about time. Yippe Kah Yea Mather fucker you rule Ambah

12:39 AM  

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