Sunday, December 05, 2004

Drama drama drama drama drama chameleon

What a fucking weekend, jesus christ. Unfortunately, I won't go into detail on my blog, but if you want the story email me. It's kinda worth it.

Here's a good one though:

After working most of my shift on a very busy Friday afternoon, a nice old lady approaches me and says, "Dear, I just wanted to let you know that your shirt tail is tucked into your nice pink panties."

"Thank you very much for the heads up. They have flowers on them too, they're my big girl panties."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god for old ladies that inform you of embarrassing situations. :)

hope things are going awesomely, otherwise! talk to you soon!!!


12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you had a good time at the show. personally, i had a great time, leading up to and especially right before the incident. but that changed from a super happy fun time to a rather shitty time pretty quickly.

derek needs to chill the fuck out. jesus christ he pisses me off sometimes. fuck.

anyways, i'd really like to see you this weekend, but i don't know where i'll be. most likely not derek's and since i can't ever seem to get ahold of you, gimme a call if you wanna hang out. maybe we can get loaded and go bowling with tom and alex.

- nick dick

nice online journal thingy, by the way.

1:13 PM  

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