Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Chicken Teriyaki Stirfry

I really don't know how to spell that properly. Spell check's letting me down right now. Damn.

Well it's that time of year again. Time to figure out all the crap that you didn't resolve in this past year and put it back on your list for next. Because of my nosey-ness, I really want to know what everyone else is planning for a resolution. I've got a few things that I'd like to accomplish.

  • Learn to play guitar, a little. I only want to know how to play one song - The FUBAR song!
  • Learn how to save money. This has been on my list for the past six years running.
  • Become a Toltec sage. It just makes sense to me right now.
  • More Amber time. I bought myself flowers today, I was at first flattered and then angry that I was wasting money again. Oh that Amber!
  • Learn to cook. In this past year, I learned how to make Hamburger Helper. There's no stopping me now!
  • Save enough money so I can go to Mardis Gras in 2006.
  • Become a better speller.

That's about it for now. I'm sure I'll think of a few more, deeper resolutions. Until then, Happy New Year's!!! Enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey amber!
happy new years fool! great list, i made one too. i hope to get over to moncton to visit you soon, we'll do some drinks or something eh?

miss ya chick


10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad i was there for your initiation to cooking. the hamburger helper was wicked.

6:36 PM  

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