Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I already posted today

Hopefully this one will work. I had to walk to the store today cause stupid Beth dumb pants has a job and couldn't drive me to get a coke. Raw deal.

I just tried to download some songs on the net and they were all scratchy. Damn you music industry, I'm too poor to buy CD's for one song. If I had faith in the artists that put the music out these days, I'd know that there would be more than one good song on a record, but alas, times have changed and even one good song alone is almost impossible to come by. Imesh, you're not my friend tonight.

Beth rented Kill Bill tonight to psych us up for the sequel Saturday. It's going to rock, I really want to kill some Crazy 88's right now. To psych myself up even more, I've changed my MSN name to Boss Chezzbot. It hasn't been Chezzbot for a while, let's see if I can keep it like this until I see the movie.


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