Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Not Just a Pretty Face

I've been watching the news a lot lately. I still don't understand about 88% of Canada's, or the world's current events, but I thought I'd throw in a few thoughts.

1. Take Todd Bertuzzi out of hockey for life. Cheap Bastard.

2. If that Belinda lady ever takes over for the PC party, I'm switching from Liberal to Conservative.

3. I have no faith federally in the current Liberal government, but at the same time, I think New Brunswick and PEI would both benefit from dumping their PC leaders, Lord and Binns. Get rid of Binns now, work on Lord later.

4. Johnny Depp modeled Captain Jack Sparrow after Keith Richards and is currently looking for someone for his model of Willy Wonka. He says he doesn't want to copy Gene Wilder and doesn't know how not to. I say, if you're going to model Wonka after anyone, make it Rip Taylor - Please.


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