Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I fucked up, Ma

2003 - wow.
I can honestly say that a year ago today,I was a different person, just go to my archives for March. I feel kinda sick~ 2003 is not my proudest year. Lucky for me 2004 will be spent making up for many irresponsible choices. I wonder if I ever would have imagined at the time that those choices were going to land me living with my parents for most of 2004.

I feel really great saying now that my biggest problems are financial and therefore not that big of a deal. It's going to take time of course, but life's not too terrible.

I've never felt this comfortable with myself. I've learned my limits, my weaknesses, some of my strengths. Most importantly, I've learned not to worry about things that are totally beyond any of my control.

It's going to be alright.


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