Saturday, December 13, 2003

Fucking off and taking names

I have comments now. I'm tempted to say something off beat to cause a stir and perhaps even a comment/weblog war, but unfortunately I grew out of that about a year ago. Damn.

It's hard to find an appartment when you're a fuck-offer. I've been looking in the classified section of the paper, just not calling the numbers in the ads. Anyone have a couch they wanna give me?

I lie, I did call one place today. I'm looking forward to this house and all the good things that can come of it. I'm also looking forward to a second job. Janelle and I are going to buy a game cube when we move out with Teri so we can play Mario Kart Switcheroo or whatever the fuck it's called. Good game.

How ghetto is too ghetto? I like the ghetto prices, but I don't want to have to depend on sleeping with a knife to ensure security. Ah well, you can't rape the willing right?


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