Sunday, November 09, 2003

Wholesomely Uppity

I'm sitting in the Kelley computer lab, cause I've got nothing else to do, and I really love the net. Me = très cool.

A girl just came in a bit ago yapping away on her cell phone. Since then she's tried to dial three different numbers. Unfortunately she's got one of those really really old Motorolla's that are really loud when you dial them and you have to use two hands to hold them cause they're so fucking heavy. Anyway, she won't stop screaming "I can't hear you right now, no, no, I can't hear you!" Fucking annoying. I feel like dragging my feet accross the room and then tapping her on the shoulder to ask a question just so she gets a shock. Heh, I'm so grade six.

Why is it that everytime there's a bird walking by me in close distance that I often say aloud, "I wish I had a rock." I'm beginning to think that I am a very horrible person. Yes, just beginning. It's better that I want to start off by killing only small creatures right now. I'll move up eventually and switch from rocks to like guns or rope or something.

Watch out, I'm depressed and totally serious. Or am I just lazy? Who knows?



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