Sunday, November 16, 2003

My baby don't mess around because she loves me so and this I know fo shooo..

I can't believe that I went out all three nights this weekend. One was spent sober though!!

I got pretty sick Friday night and that's my reason for being sober last night. Ah well, it's all fun and games. I met up with Alain at Melon's and had a pretty good time. I'm turning Christine into a bar slut and I feel a little bit bad about that. She couldn't understand why Melon's is my favorite bar and kept laughing at me all night long. I fucking love Melon's!!

I think I love it cause the majority of the people I know hate it. I know that's kinda mean but sometimes a gal just has to get away and walk in on someone snorting coke off a toilet seat. I get the biggest kick out of that place.

Anyway, I went to a shit assed pub crawl for a bit on Saturday and then went back to Myron's later on. Tyler and I snuck in the front of the line and then through the door without paying cover. You gotta ask Tyler to see how he showed off his "stamp" to the bouncer to get in. Hilarious.

I wanted to spend some time looking around for someone, but I got distracted by some very deep conversation. Sobriety sucks.

All in all, I had a pretty good time last night. Hooray!


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