Monday, October 20, 2003

Knives and Forks

So there I was, walking through the hall of the student centre having just finished getting my shot for the next quarter. I find the student centre a little bit on the intimidating side, so I always try to look cool when I'm all by myself. Strutting by, I notice the poster for the Halloween pub. I thought to myself, "Did I just see what I think I did?" So I looked at the poster again and oh fuck yeah, I saw what I thought I did. Being the cool cat that I am I yelled out, "YES!" in totally Full House style.

I am as pleased as a pig in shit. Good job Wave, nice to see that you've finally noticed that Jimmy Swift sucks the fucking bag.

So I went back to the dorms, and while I was walking I heard this girl say, "Yeah well, Hell's Bells (or something along the lines) is way better than Dirty Deeds, but they're ok I guess."

So i says to the missus, "Eat a fucking dick. Dirty Deeds rocks my cock"

So then she starts going all kung fu on my ass and I gave her the stunner and then the crocodiles came and then they started fighting because they are my friends and they are so cool and she eventually loses and they ate her. And then everyone started dancing and it was way cool. Wish you were there don't you?


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