Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I'll have a junior bacon cheeseburger, Sucka!

Someone got to have Thanksgiving dinner with their family and all I got was this lousy cold.

I feel horrible. I am so sick right now, but thanks to some new medication, I no longer want to spend the whole day in bed. What happened to me? I used to be so crazy...
Other than the cold, I am definately feeling better which is some great fucking news. Like I yelled when Jamie Leger got his diploma this year, "It's about time!" Holy fuck.

Had some great chats with some great friends over the past few days. I love Booker T. So awesome. I think that he's my new idol. Time to replace the Buddah statues and the Bible with a poster of Booker. If someone could find me one with Booker eating something from Wendy's, I would be ever so greatful, Suckas!

Whooo Dog. That was a fun night. Maybe the wet dreams are my body's way of telling me it's time to have sex. Shit.


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