Tuesday, June 24, 2003

The Ugly Duckling

These times they are a changing. Well, in a sad and depressed mood yesterday I put in my hours at work, then came home, then returned back to work and grabbed some extra hours. This is my life.

There are so many things that I have been missing lately. I used to be called Girly. My hair was patted and played with frequently. There's a certian spot on your shoulder where my head could rest perfectly. Your embraces, your kisses, waking up with you in the morning; there are so many things that I miss and want back more than anything. Life does go on. I miss your company, your companionship, your love.

At this time, I must hold myself up. Times have been hard, but when are they ever easy? Although the loss hurts more than expected, there is a small part of me that still holds excitement. If I was this loved by a great friend, than how can I not be excited to see what the future brings? I must stop going on and on as if there was something that I did wrong.

Perhaps this ugly duckling will become a beautiful swan? Why not? I did come out with a great friend who means the world to me.

I love you.


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