Tuesday, December 24, 2002

I hate it here

So far today I have made my mother cry a total of four times. I want to go back to PEI and I don't want to spend Christmas here. My brother is an asshole. He won't stop picking on me and gloating about how much better he thinks he is than me. So I told my parents that I didn't want to be around them for Christmas and that I would be happier in PEI. So then the little fuck turned everything that I had said around and now I am ruining everybody's holiday by not staying blah blah blah and it's my fault that he says mean things to me because I deserve it because I told him that I didn't like the music he was listening to blah blah blah.

Well fine, fuck you I'm staying, but I'm not going to pretend that I am so fucking greatful to be here because I'm not. So every half hour all day I have been mentioning how awful it is here and how I'm only here because of boxing day and that I am going to return all of my presents so I can at least have a half hour of happiness at the mall with things I like instead of stupid assed presents that suck. Am I that superficial about the holiday? YES. There is a whole pile of presents under the tree for my brother and there are three, count 'em, three there for me. You think that the child that lives on their own and can barely afford to feed herself deserves more than the brat that lives here and blows every pay check at future shop and does nothing at all to help out. I'm so taking a picture of my sad pile of three presents to show all of you.

And so now I know what you are thinking. "She should take into consideration the families that have nothing" Well fuck you I have and they're the reason I can't afford to eat because I've spent my whole Dec.20 paycheck supporting one of those suchs families. So leave me the hell alone, I have earned my own selfish state.

Merry Fucking Christmas, don't call me; I want to be alone.


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