Sunday, December 29, 2002

Boo to the motherfucking ooh

I am back in PEI now. Woohoo. I'm sure I was greatfully missed. I have been reunited with my kitty and with Bob so things are looking better, plus I got a duvet for Christmas and bought some on-sale chocolate. That should keep me happy for a while. My brother did still get more for Christmas, but my mom explained that that was because I got a duvet and a blue duvet cover. I don't care. She could have been creative and wrapped my socks up individually to make it look like more. Oh well at least it's over.

Now it's rent week. Gotta go to the bank and see how much money I have over spent in the past week and try to cough up $640.00. Good Luck to me.

January has three paydays.


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