Monday, December 03, 2001

My bitchin' blog was a joke

Bobby knows that i wasn't serious about my blog when i was bitching about not going to his party. And the link to was also a joke. Just so you know.

In other news, I had the time of my life at the olde dublin the other night. if you haven't guessed, i am trying to learn how to make pictures for it. i have two really cool pictures of matt holleman picking up some cougars. Joey and i made a picture of bob with a distorted blue face and it is funny. that is what i have been trying to post. hopefully that too won't be misinterpreted. does anyone know how to spell bigons the right way?

In other other news, some of you will be pleased to be informed (mostly jill though) that there is a 98.563214% chance that i will not be returning after Christmas.

Pictues of Holleman and the Cougars (that would be a cool band name) are coming soon as I get smart.


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