Saturday, April 21, 2001

Last PEI Blog

My computer goes home today. What the hell am I going to do in my spare time? I think that I can figure it out. The past eight months have been a blast. I have met people who are crazy awesome, crazy, and dick heads. Most of the people are crazy awesome. I have learned that there are two me's. One from home, and the here me. One of the me's is crazy, that is the home me, the other me is normal. It's funny when the two me's join together and form super me. Super me is great! Sometimes when home me slips out, Bobby gets scared and I laugh because that me is crazy and crazy people like to laugh. Hopefully I will stay as super me.

I have absolutely nothing to say. Couldn't you tell? I think that I am going to go to subway now before my dad gets here to take my computer away.

Bye Bye


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