Saturday, April 28, 2001

Back to Town, Back to Reality

I am back at home. Today was an exciting day that started off with a wicked, rocking, road trip. We all had a bunch of fun. We got to do such cool things as, visit the skate park, (oh how I have missed you), go to Keating’s, get cool shirts, and cool posters. I have no Internet and I won’t be getting it until I get a job and a paycheck. I just saw this commercial on TV where you can borrow five hundred dollars without credit. Sounds tempting. So for now I think that I am going to type stuff up at home and use other people’s computers to post it. I need something to do. Now that school is over and I have no job, it’s getting really boring. Maybe I will take up reading. I could read all of those university books that I paid hundreds of dollars for and have never opened. What’s the point? Those books aren’t going to get me anywhere now! It’s funny cause I think that I have passed this semester and I have yet to read any of my course books, except for Computer Confluence. Good book, surprise ending.

Well that should be all for tonight. Tomorrow I am going to a skateboard movie night at Crystal Palace. I get to watch three movies for twelve dollars. What a deal!!!! And everybody who goes gets a prize. I am guaranteed at least a new T-shirt. How sweet is that? I bet you wished that you skateboarded.

Miss all of you lots!
Miss you, Bobby!

“Hey Tubby, whatcha gonna do now? Yeild?”


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