Thursday, November 29, 2001

FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO.....go to school...for cheap

I protested today with Bobby and Pam. We went to the birthplace of confederation today and prostested for tuition freezes. I'm a real punk rocker now that i have protested.

Things that I hate about protesting:

1.Bob told us that if we went we would get free popsicles and we did not
2. We didn't even get to go into the room and had to sit in an empty theatre for about an hour or two
3.Protesting is so boring
4.Propaghandi was there
5.People were on a total power trip. When a girl said "Look at all of the people that showed up, this shows that this is where the power lies"; i replied "Damnit i am wearing the coolest shoes in the world"
6. they tried to make us chant "freeze tuition freeze" i chated a mixture of "Chet Thomas 4's" (the kind of shoes that i have) and "I'm on tv"

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Do not do anything i say

Do not tell anyone off on the internet today. it is wrong. and i am only saying this after posting the same insult three times accidentally, insulting the other person's intelligence. it is very funny, but i don't think that i will ever go back to that site. oh gosh it is funny. i will give you the site when i am not embarrased anymore. funny as hell.
Fun things to do today

Fun thing to do today - tell of people on their own websites. especially fun if you know them, but not that well; and if it is not me.

song of the day - anything by propaghandi

This post is dedicated to a guy that i like to call propaghandi. we met at a party and i don't think that i have ever hated any person more than i hate this guy. it is sick, it has become an obsession, and i thought that it would be nice to share my rantings with you people.

Propaghandi is a punk rock band. Have you every heard of them? I didn't think so.
Propaghandi the guy is a duck billed hair, big lipped freak. He's not too tall, but average twenty-year-old height. He is very ugly. I hate him. He really really likes the band propaghandi.

A little over a year ago, it would have been November 11, 2000 because Bobby and i had only been going out for two days, Bobby brought me and Matt Holleman to a party. this was the lamest and most shitty-assed party ever. Teri was there too, but she left early. Because this party was so shitty, Matt and Bob decided to get drunk and let me fend against propaghandi by myself. Other events that were going on at this time was the US election for presidency. Like i have ever given a shit about the us or who they elect. i think i like clinton though.

yeah so bob and matt were off being drunk and i mistakenly wore a sweat shirt with the name of a punk band from my home town on it. that band is called hope. not a big deal, it was clean clothes. but it was a big deal to propaghandi. dammit. this is where my pain and suffering begins.

"What does that sweater mean?"
"That's not real punk music" - Typical punk rocker statement. for some reason, people just can't enjoy the music. in order to say that you listen to punk music, you have to be equipped with its history over the past thirty years, and its influences before that. if you do not know these things, or every punk band ever, you are not a real fan of punk rock music. Oh yeah and you also have to know all about politics and world issues and use words incorrectly to tie unrelated events together. it also helps if your political views are not up to date. I once heard a guy say "the Dead Kennedys are so good. they are so political. They really are influencings society". don't get me wrong, i am a pretty big DK fan, but come on, they broke up in like '84 and all of their issues deal with events prior to that. Get a fucking newspaper man, it is November 27, 2001.

Sorry to go off of topic. I know that nobody ever reads long posts so i am sorry. so, i was harrassed by Propaghandi about how i should be listening to Propaghandi for about two hours. and then when that stopped, it was on to Ralph Nader. Who the hell is Ralph Nader and why do i care?

Anyway, this Propaghandi post must end for now. more to come

Yoga Pants

My good friend Pam and I decided to buy yoga pants together last weekend. Yoga pants are similar to sweat pants except tighter, stretchier, and more old woman like. Pam pleaded with me to wear my yoga pants to school today and i didn't want to because of what they are. this morning i felt bad for Pam so i wore the damn pants anyway. i am now the only person at upei not in the gym wearing these goddamn pants. thanks a lot pam!

Monday, November 26, 2001

Orange = Required

Hello everybody!! Pam is here right now and i am showing her how to post and how bad i am at typing. and how sometimes i don't believe in caps. to carolyn, i i didn't know that people still came to my page either! i think that i will have to start posting more and more and more. there is hopes of a great bashing of a guy i like to call "Propaghandi" coming up. first i think that i should find out who the hell he really is.

cool thing to do today : annoy people in the cass building with a mcdonald's toy

song of the day dedicated to crazy insurance mom - misfits- attitude

Sam says, "What the hell?"

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

