Monday, October 22, 2001


Hot Peppers

I understand that some people have severe allergies to hot peppers. Some other people have ulcers and other things wrong with them that may make eating hot peppers very harmful. A lot of people like hot peppers, or in some cases at least pretend they do, because eating hot peppers is cool. Some people just don’t like hot peppers.


I understand that some people have severe allergies to subway. Some other people may have health reasons that may prevent them from eating subway. A lot of people like subway, or at least pretend that they do because subway is low in fat and good for you. Some people just don’t like subway.

The Amazing Hot Pepper /Subway story

Subway, eat fresh. Is it just me, but are all of the subs made right in front of you? I guess they’re not because there is that sneeze guard there. So if you are looking at the people making your sub, than it could be hard for them to mess it up. Sometimes they do though, but it is okay because they are always so friggin busy. Must be because of all the conformists who love subway (just a joke, I don’t mean to insult anyone of you conformists who just like it because it is healthy).
I live in a house of craziness, but it is funny as hell, especially if you are an asshole. I hear that it is bad, or wrong being an asshole, but if I wasn’t I think that I would get really bored. Anyway (look Jeff, no s) back to the story. One of my roommates who shall remain nameless, or Roomate X, (only because I can’t spell her name) was calmly eating a sub from the glorious subway. Eat eat eat, yum yum yum when all of a sudden she jumps up and yells “HOT PEPPER” and then runs to the kitchen. I didn’t think that it was funny at first because maybe she has allergies, but she has been eating a lot of spicy fries lately… When I noticed that nobody was doing anything and that she was fine (this took about five seconds) I started to enjoy this scenario. Frantically reaching for a glass and pouring herself some water, Roomate X starts to drink and drink and drink and drink. Hilarious. I thought that it was funny because of the whole jumping off of the couch and running, no sprinting, to the kitchen and then the immense water drinking. I thought that it was even funnier when she started blubbering, which turned into crying. Then while finishing her sub, by now I am sure that nothing is wrong, she continues to cry and then goes to the bathroom to try and make herself sick. Fucking hilarious.

Saturday, October 20, 2001

You've got the right one baby

Hi! Yeah so i just found out that there is a link to this page on Kristin's page (fake link because i don't know how to make and i feel bad because i never ever update this page so here.....

I live at the ANTI-junkyard now. it's great, i have roomates and stuff like that. i don't live with bob and his family anymore although i still go over every week to do laundry. what lovely people. anyway, i moved in this duplex first followed by tyler (bam bam, t-bear) and then joey and merileah whom i did not know. isnt' it fun living with people you don't know? no, no it's not it's hell. just joking besides the fact that i am afraid to take a bath because of the sex in the tub, i am okay. also i don't liked being ragged on for not doing dishes. in my opinion, if i bought them and didn't even eat off of them, i shouldn't have to wash them. why wash something i am providing for a bunch of cheap bastards who don't want to buy stuff themselves?

so sex in the tub, why am i so paranoid?.....
STORY TIME i was about to get into the shower one day and who happens to walk in a second before i do? one of my roomates (not naming due to lack of spelling ability) anyway the roomie's boyfriend was here too and i think and i am pretty sure that there were two of them in there FOR AN HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES!!! GOOD GOD!!!! i was almost late for whatever i had to get ready for, and when i went to brush my teeth there was brown shit (not brown shit, but brown shit) all over my tooth brush. Sam asks, "WHAT THE HELL?"

Yeah i know, it's gross. And i've had sex in a shower before, it doesn't take an hour and forty-five minutes, they could've at least sped it along so i could get all cleaned up. inconsiderate pigs. fucking pigs

in other news......
don't drink my orange juice without asking, or eat my eggo's or my crinkled cut fries and try to replace them with fucking crispy ones, i obviously bought crinkled cut for a reason. tards

Un Huh